Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Would If I Could But I Can't Hate You

I can't hate you because you're the man, who slept with the woman, who had the man, whom I love.  
I can't hate you because you're the woman, who married the man, who had the child, whom I love.      
I can't hate you because you're the man, who gave me the ring that produced the life, that I love.        
I can't hate you because you're the child, who believes in Jesus and has accepted the God, whom I love.  
I can't hate you because I'm the child, who is lead by Christ, who submits to His words of love.
Darn, I'm so sorry. I would if I could, but I just can't...hate you.

GE Williams
"For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free; and were all made to drink of one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; it is not therefore not of the body.
 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; it is not therefore not of the body.
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

But now hath God set the members each one of them in the body, even as it pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now they are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of thee: or again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary: and those parts of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness; whereas our comely parts have no need: but God tempered the body together, giving more abundant honor to that part which lacked; that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffereth, all the members suffer with it; or one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it" (1 Corinthians 12:12-26 ASV).

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Perfect in every way but ONE

 Perfect in every way but ONE

So I have a natural constitution that drives my life. Unbelievable I know. But I have had one my whole life. It goes something like this:

Let's say that I make a goal to lose weight. In order to reach this goal I decided that I am going to start juicing vegetables and I will drink the juice twice a day. Sounds good so far, right?

In my constitution, I put this formula into action....consistently...everyday. That means on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Each morning I get up and juice a bag of carrots, kale and sweet potatoes to drink at that moment and at night. Then I do it again the next day.

Now following my constitution, I will need to consistently have a bag of carrots, kale and sweet potatoes to juice. So that means I am running to the store several times a week to accommodate my resolve. (One time I  went to the store and they were out of kale. So I had to go to another store to find the kale).

I know what you are thinking "Why don't you just make it without the kale?" Great question. That would be less stress however and the goal isn't peace it is to drink this concoction twice a day until the desired weight loss results are reached. That is my constitution.

Before I could not see the undue stress that I was voluntarily putting on my life. I thought I want to lose weight and that is a great goal. It will make me healthier, I will look fitter and feel better. Plus goals are excellent to have. They mean I am moving in a direction, forward. Finally I am being challenged to be a better me. All of the above things are perfect except for one thing.

I am very religious about my constitution. I believe it won't work unless it goes the way I planned? I have done the research. I am notorious for forcing things to happen. So I said perfect in every way but one, right? What is that one thing that is missing? Margin, space. Where you ask? In my brain. That constitution that I was so religious about; that I was so proud to cling to didn't allow for guidance from the Holy Spirit that lives inside me. I was too locked up...for years. I had a plan. I know the way. I was confident that I was right. So bull-dose ahead. Stick to the plan and I will succeed.

So did I? Succeed. And at what cost? That guiding Spirit I spoke of earlier brings peace. John 14: 16-18 confirms this belief, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."

Peace bring longevity. Longevity brings stability. Stability brings massive success. How do I know? Because I took a step back from my constitution. It was too expensive to keep. I decided for the sake of peace, longevity and stability I would let Him lead. I still see it, you know. My constitution. I watch it and I recognize it. Then I surrendered it and I keep surrendering it over and over again. How about massive success? Given, with a peace and a bounce back ratio that defies understanding over and over again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Titanium Tinkleberry part 2

It is true. He is a handful at times, but I still love him like the rest.
I still give him my very best.
I really don't mind the stress.
He is a mess, but worth the test.
My life would be less without my new guest.

I am really unaffected that he is more then I expected.
You know, he needed to be protected.
He was being disrepected.
He was subjected and then sadly rejected.

But he is rough and he is tough.
And he tries to beat up stuff.

Yes, he is brash and he is rash with a little sash.
But he is there and he cares.
He often stares and he doesn't share.

He is a wonder to behold.
I'll have him till he's old.
He is priceless to be sold.
Soon he'll listen when he's told.
He is just a pup.
So young. So bold.
And fortunately worth more then gold.

GE Williams

Monday, October 14, 2013

The legend of a Solider

As I reflect on the events that have past, I struggle to put into words the unmatched characteristics that make up "You."

The unparalleled mental acuteness of the likes which my eyes have never seen and such a passion for your duty as a solider.

The obvious value you place on life as precious as the sunrise after days of rain.

In conversation, it's as if you read my mind, while you finished the thoughts I haven't thought of yet.

As it is nearly impossible to sneak up on you, it is just as impossible not to feel honored and blessed by the priviledge Of knowing you.

Yet a confusion still exists as to how your life, being what it is, moves on.

You inspire greatness in people who can only expect to achieve an 8th of your wonder.

As I talked with you day after day, I would never know what makes you so exceptional but only how your unconditional love blesses those around you.

May your legacy never be forgotten!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Meant To Be

It took us a year to get it but it is finally ours. The house we live in. When we were looking, each house was perfect except for one thing. It was always that one thing that prevented us from moving in. Some may say that we got the house that was meant to be. Maybe........ But I believe that we were meant to have every house we looked at. I believe that there are other forces in this world that prevented us from getting each house and because we kept believing and moving forward we got the house that fits the promise in Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
What is the basis of my belief? Great question. The foundation of this faith is built on my belief in Jesus Christ and His teachings in the bible. See it says in Romans 8:28 KJV, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28 KJV). This belief is what kept us moving forward in the face of rejection. All things include disappointments, lost income, incredible rules and insurmountable odds. So we don't have to get frustrated or be afraid because eventually as long as we keep believing and moving forward are goals will be met. Isaiah 61:7 promises this, "For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them."

So why do I believe that we got a house that was "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think?"  It not because the house is the biggest one that we looked at because it isn't. It isn't because the house is the cheapest that we looked at because it isn't. It is because this house is on the same street that I lived on before. It's because this house wasn't even on the market when we first started looking for houses. It is because this street wasn't even a consideration the whole time we were looking. 

The house I was in before was smaller and the fenced yard faced the street. All of the fixtures were standard except for the glass top stove and the fence was old. It had an orange tree in the backyard and yellow and green bamboo. Now this house is bigger. It has a digital lock on the front door. The fixtures are customer installed with a glass stove embedded in the tile of the counter and stainless steel appliances. This house has a patio. There is a lake in the backyard. I didn't even know there was a lake on this street.  Here in the new house it doesn't ever feel as if I lived here before. My surroundings are so much more upscale that I am just really impressed everyday.

I fought for the first house. I jumped through lots of hoops to get it and it was an afterthought because I was going for a better house in another neighborhood but the owner won't sign the contract after a year of negotiating. The loan was going to expire and I didn't want to have to reapply so I found my old house on this block. I lived there for 2 years before I got divorced and the house was foreclosed on. 
So if I believe everything that happens was meant to happen then I was meant to lose that first house and get divorced. But I don't believe that I believe this: "But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26 KJV). It took 3.5 years for the bank to foreclose on the last house.  I lived there the whole time. Thank you God.

A while back I learned that God's will for our lives is not a dot. It is not a bulls eye that if you miss it then you have to live the rest of your life in regret. We live in a world of infinite possibilities. A world designed by God. Each realty is created by the choices we make which are based on the thoughts we think. We think those thoughts because of what we believe.  If things that happened in our lives were meant to be then why do we have free will? Why does the bible say, Jesus is in heaven interceding for us (Romans 8:34 KJV).

If everything that happened was just meant to be why is there a whole scientific discipline that deals with infinite possibilities entitled Quantum Physics? The bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 KJV,
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end." Where is the hope in the belief that everything that happens happened because it was meant to be? Where is the peace in the rejection that this belief produces?

Doesn't it give you more hope and make make life easier to believe that there are infinite opportunities out there for you to explore and that if you miss one your life can be even better if you keep moving forward and keep believing?


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Titanium Tinkleberry

I have a story for you. My puppy is called Titanium Tinkle Berry. He is about a year old now but when I met him, he looked like this: 

 He was about 4 months old in these photos. Here is the story:

 I couldn't take it. That whimpering sound. Where was it coming from? Every night and in the early morning, I would hear this sound. Especially around 2 am when I would take my other dog, Diamante, out for her midnight tinkle. Finally I saw him. He was small. He was curled up in a ball most of the time. He stayed close to the bushes. It was a dog, a puppy. He was an ugly dog. He was skinny and scared. He never looked up. I started to watch him day after day. He was left out in the hot sun with no shade and no water. He was left out in the rain and during down pours. Each time I looked there was no food or water. He had no shelter. It broke my heart. Where was his masters? Who was taken care of him? Why was he left to suffer?
As it turns out the puppy belonged to the new neighbors. A tall, black, heavy-set American-Islander. He had dread locks and was married to and American-white woman. They seems like a happy enough couple. I am am only 5'4", 125lbs. I didn't want to talk to him alone so I told my husband. Immediately, he went to the other yard to check on the puppy. He reported what he saw. Then he started throwing him hot dogs and giving him water. The puppy gobbled up the hotdogs so fast he chocked at first. He tossed the water bowl over every time. We didn't approach him. We were also scared. We didn't know the neighbors and didn't want to cause any problems. However there was a problem here, a big problem. So how do I love my neighbor who is clearly abusing this dog? 
So I decided to buy it a dog. A dog house would provide it shade and protection. It would be a gift to the people that lived there so there wouldn't be any animosity between neighbors. After all, maybe the people wanted the dog. Maybe they came from another country. In other countries, the dogs are not as renowned as the dogs in America. My family is from Honduras. There the dogs are just as skinny. They live outside and eat rodents or scraps. I wanted to give my neighbor the benefit of the doubt. My husband and I looked online for dog houses. They were a little out of my price range. So my husband offered to build it a do house instead. he said it would be cheaper. On the heels of that endeavor, there was another down pour. I cried. The next day the owner of the puppy let him loose to run around. I was out walking Diamonte. Another neighbor caught the puppy and fed it oatmeal. When she saw me she expressed her saddest about the dog. She couldn't keep it herself and wanted to know what I thought. We talked and when she was ready to go inside she didn't know what to do with the dog, So I took it back to it's owner. 
I told him that it was dangerous to let the dog roam like this because there is another dog that attacks all the dogs on the block. He said he knew that is how the puppy got the gash on his head. Then I said well, I need another dog for Diamante. I explained how Diamonte grow up with another dog that had died recently. I also said that she had gained some weight and need a friend to help her lose it. Then I pointed out that the puppy needed to gain weight and so you can see how theses dogs can help each other. My neighbor hemmed and hawed. Then I said I will give you $50. That was the amount of money that I was going to spend on the dog house. Sold. My neighbor gave me the puppy. He didn't have a name. The neighbor called him pipsqueak. So I named him Titanium Tinkle berry. He's a Rhodesian Ridge back mix and it turns out he is worth $1200- $1500. He looks like this now:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Burning Flame

There is a burning flame in the middle of a rose.
It started small, but over time it grew.
Many people have come and tried to blow it out, but with all attempts everyone has failed.
The rose will never grow with this flame burning inside of it.
Sooner or later it will die from the heat coming from within.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Mistake or a Sin

People that make mistakes self-correct, but people that Sin look for a Savior...

Mistakes are easy. They don't require long explanations or reasoning. A simple I am sorry will suffice. For example, if you bump into someone while walking down the street or if you misspell someone's name on an email. Mistakes happen all the time. People even expect us to make mistakes. We even have forgiveness phrases built into our culture like "I'm only human" or " I am not perfect."

But a mistake isn't a sin. A sin is an offense committed that erodes a relationship. A sin is heavy to carry. When a sin is committed a simple apology is never enough. Sin hurts. It is not easy to admit that you have committed a sin. There are major consequences and repercussions.

Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death.." and it is true. Marriages and friendships are dissolved behind sin. People are imprisoned both physically and mentally after committing sin.  Suicide becomes a viable options for Sinners. Sin is a burden. It is heavy to content with. Sin kills. 

Sinners seek forgiveness. They want to be forgiven by the people they have offended and by themselves. Sinners naturally look for a savior. Someone or something that can make there burdens light. Someone or something they can cast there cares on. Someone that might love them in-spite of their Sin. 

It true that some find temporary salvation in drugs, sex and alcohol. Some find it in isolation and avoidance. But the problem is that the escape we get from these solutions don't last. Then we find ourselves searching once again for an answer.

You know the rest of Romans 6:23 says, "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Why? Because God knows that sin kills so he sent Jesus to take the wrath of our Sin on the cross and in exchange give us the gift of life with no condemnation so that the relationship between us and God can be restored. 

Huh? You don't feel restored after committing a sin. You don't feel forgiven, you say. Your spouse still left. You were still reprimanded.  You still lost your job. Well, unfortunately, the wages of sin is still death, Jesus didn't change that. Death to your marriage, your job, and your freedom if necessary. But it doesn't have to end there Jesus made it possible that your life can be restored. Remember he died on a cross but He rose again and so can you.

Monday, August 5, 2013

I am thankful that I live today

       I am thankful that I live today during the information age. I am thankful I live in a time of acceptance, more so then any other time thus far. I am thankful I live in a time that helps me to recognize that all my sins are forgiven, past, present and future. I think it is hard to live today without committing a sin. I am thankful that God knew this would be the case and made provisions for my rescue.

     Throughout history it has been hard to be a woman. There was Woman Suffrage, Prohibition and of course Slavery. Women were expected to be a lot of things that I am not today. There wasn't a lot of acceptance for learning disabilities, mental illnesses or woman who couldn't get pregnant. The laws were not there to protect against abuse of any kind. I am quite thankful to live today.

     I am thankful that there is a Holy Spirit that I can lean on for guidance and help. I am thankful for the bible that I can learn how to live a Holy life, one that wouldn't condemn my heart.  I thankful that I have a choice to believe or not to believe. I have a choice to do or not to do. I am thankful that I can experience God's love even through I never earned it.

    I am thankful that people are creative and bold in their beliefs. I am thankful that through the media we can see miracles of human ingenuity and that we can walk outside our doors and experience the sun on a daily bases.

     If I had been born in a different era, I would have to believe that my life would still be well. I would have to believe that I would still be thankful for acceptance and I would still be blessed.  I believe that God would protect me. However, I am thankful that I live today.


Thursday, August 1, 2013


You are the star of the show when I am with you, but I am not with you because you are the star.

You are the star of the show when you're alone, but there's no such thing as a lonely star.

You are the star of the show when you're grouped, but not the most valuable part.

You are the star of the show when you shine, but you disappear in the dark.

You are the star of the show when you speak, but speaking will allow you to be seen.

You are the star of the show when you care, but not caring will steal your dreams.

Your life is a Constellation made up of individual lights, with each star a contribution to the glow of your life.
.                                              GE Williams

Monday, July 29, 2013

Update to Help Someone Reach Their Goals

Congratulations to Debra!!!

She made it to the finals in Javelin (Women 65-69). She finished 7th in the Nationals and also made the finals in Shot Put and brought home the 8th place ribbon. She also qualified for the Olympics in Brazil!

Thank you to all the people that donated to this effort.

If anyone would like to sponsor her in the Olympics please visit - Be The Miracle Page and make a donation. Thanks in advanced.

Parley Pioneers Inc.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Sobering Thought

Have you ever read the book of Job? If not, that is OK, I just read it myself. Here is an excerpt of the story:

"And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?
Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?
Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.
And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord." Job 1:8-12

So in other words, God allowed Satan to attack Job by removing His protection from him. Now God is the same today, yesterday and forever, so it stands to reason that God at times removes His protection from me and allows Satan to attack me. 

Wow, sober yet? The thought of this gets my attention. My initial reaction is to be appalled. I feel like: Is that what I am worth to you? I am not going to participate in this war. Then it dawned on me. I don't think I have a choice. Bad things are going to happen to me whether I participate or not, whether I believe in God or not. Actually, I need all the help I can get. So if I wasn't offended by this chapter in the bible, is there something that I might get from it?...and here it is:

God's in Control

Sounds like a cliche, right. Especially if you don't believe in God or Jesus. Maybe it is the very reason why you don't believe. Anyways, it is a hard reality, I agree. 

But did your parents ever allow something to happen to you instead of saving you from that decision? Say... Yes. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right Or like it says in the bible in 1 Peter 1:7NIV
"These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

What we believe is so important that it is worth more then gold, and it needs to be exercised. God tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

Now I know what you are thinking...Why would a benevolent God allow this? Our God loves us so much that He wants us to know ourselves. He doesn't want us to be something we are not, He wants us to be the best me that we can be. The best me that we can be is wrap up in our faith. It is wrapped up in what we believe. He also wants to help, but we have to want His help.

You know being tested is not such a far fetched idea. At our jobs, before we move to another position we are tested. In school, before we go to another grade or move to another subject we are tested . Before we can be accepted into the Army, we are tested. If we were not tested, how would we know what we are made of? Is your objection God should know what we are made of? Well, He does that is why we are not tested beyond our abilities. The question is do you know what you are made of? Do you believe what God knows about you?

It is a sobering thought that there are forces beyond our control acting against us and on our behalf. It is a sobering thought we are not alone. It is a sobering thought that it is not about us. It is a sobering thought that the God of the universe cares what we believe enough to test that belief to make sure it is beneficial to us. It a sobering thought that God wants me to believe about myself what He believes about me. The more I read the bible, the more I love my God and the person He is turning me into through what I believe.

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Dog Gets it Part 2

Well, that is how it began, my relationship with Diamante. Oh, I am sorry Diamante means Diamond in spanish. There are some personal issues there but that is another story. Now staying on track. 7 years went by before I realized what a treasure I had in her.

She was more then just a trophy to claim victory over. She was a guide that would show me God's Glory, as soon as I stood still long enough to look. Don't misunderestand me. She is just a dog. She doesn't bark a lot, and she has definatley killed her fair share of prey. She is selfish, demanding and a girl in all the primitive ways.

She loves a good bone and she loves a good chase. How does she define a good chase? Well, did it run? And what's a good bone? Well, I must admit Diamante has never met a bone that she didn't like.
Imagine this:

             I give Diamante a bone. She looks at it, walks around it and smells it. Then she turns her nose up at me and walks away. Or she sees a cat. It is all black. She looks at it and yawns as to say "Black cat, please."  No Diamante doesn't miss an opportunity to enjoy her life. She does not get caught up in the details, second guessing herself along the way.

She only believes. What does she believe? She believes that if it's a bone it's meant for her. If it runs from her she has the right to chase it. She believes that she is exactly where she is suppose to be and that her master is on her side.

Lesson two: Reasoning, whether it is a benefit or not, causes stress and eventually stress kills.

As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, "Be not afraid, only believe." Mark 5:36 KJV

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Praying for Healing

Do I believe that God want all of us to be healed of every sickness?  Sure I do.

Do I believe that the healing that you perceive is the healing I need? No.

To be healed is to be whole, so you believe that is I am blind, and to be whole I need to see. But see what?
"What do you mean see what?" You say.  "You are blind, you can't see anything." Yes, that is true but I don't need to see everything. I only need to see one thing. I only need to see Jesus. When I keep my eyes on Him, he gives me the desires of my heart.

When we pray for people to be healed, we should expect to see God's will for their lives. We should expect to see something that brings them great joy and peace. A peace that defies understanding. This grace should draw them closer to God, others should see God when they look at them. Whatever we see should be amazing.

I believe that God knows everything about us. Our past, our present and our future. I believe that God has given us everything that we need in Christ. If that is the case, with the Holy Spirit inside of me, interceding with God on my behalf, whether I can see or not, whether I am rich or not, whether I have a child or not, I am whole and as such I am healed.

You may not be able to see my healing. You may not be able to see my desires being met. You may think that because I still can not see the way you see, or that because I don't have children like you have, or that because my level of success doesn't look like yours that I am not healed . 

But I am accepted. I am loved. God's plans for me are for good and not for evil. All things work together for my good. I am blessed. My sins are forgiven. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God knows the number of hairs on my head. I am whole and as such I am healed.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Help Someone Reach Their Goals

Parley Pioneers is here to comfort others as we have been comforted by God. We are here to provide support and to help others move forward in Christ. We are apart of the invisible family of Christ along with you. As one big family, we like to pull together and help each other. Debra is an exceptional woman that needs our help to accomplish an amazing goal. I would tell her story but she tells it better herself.  If you would like to donate to her cause, please visit our website at and click on Be The Miracle and donate to the people project. Remember that your donation is tax deductible.

Thank you and enjoy,

GE Williams

Dear Friend and Potential Sponsor,

Following a year of competition I am qualified and scheduled to compete in the National Senior Games.  The games are July 21 thru August 5, in Cleveland Ohio.  I will be competing for 3 days, July 24 thru 26, in 4 Field Events held at Baldwin Wallace University Track and Field Stadium: Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus and Javelin. I competed in my first track meet at age 7, in Indianapolis, Indiana and stopped about the age of 16.  Life happened, injuries came and I put my national and Olympic aspirations on hold.  In the years that followed, I raised a son who just happened to get a shot in professional sports following his college stint as a “Blue Chipper” football and track man. Imagine That!  Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 1993, I became a retired bedridden Probation Officer.  

In 1995 I was miraculously healed during a journey to the holy land, Israel.  I moved from Bowie, Maryland to Kissimmee, Florida in 2007 for better climate and a healthy life style more conducive to Asthma and Severe Hypertension.  Now it’s my turn.   I am 66 years young and resurrecting myself from spectator to participant, again. My first meet was in 2011, and this is the first National Game held since my “come back”.  As a witness that dreams can come true, I have a congratulatory letter surprisingly received days ago from Florida’s Governor, Rick Scott.  I was published in an article from our local publication, Reflections.

If I find favor with you after reading the contents of this sponsor request, please know that I am in serious need to raise funds to reach Cleveland.  I cannot do this without your help. Initially after counting the cost, I was stupefied into not making the trip, at all. But after receiving the letter from Governor Rick Scott, and encouragement from friends and family who were disappointed in my surrendered disposition because of finances, I reconsidered.   And since the event is only a month away, there isn’t much time. As I write this letter, an account is being opened at MidFlorida fcu where donations can be sent and /or transferred directly to the account.  

I am in need of $2775 to cover the cost of hotel, air fair, meals, transportation and shipping of equipment.   If you are aware of any other potential sponsors please let me know as soon as possible or share the contents of this letter with them.  Please call or email to acknowledge your response as soon as you receive this letter so I will know how to proceed with planning.  The sooner I book the air line the better the cost and some of the cost could be reduced.  If anyone is willing to pick up the cost of any one single item (food, air fair…etc) that would be a tremendous relief and blessing. Nothing is too big or too small.  I humbly appreciate each one of you. Thank you in advance!!! In Closing, let me say, “The athlete within you never dies.  I’m neither dead nor priced out of the market (with your help), yet.”

 Debra Hanes

Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Dog Gets It part 1

There but for the Grace of God go I. That I should live and He should die.
There but for the Grace of God go I. That I should laugh when you should cry.
There but for the Grace of God go I. It is why I praise...It is why I love.

It is why...Dear God thank you for the opportunity to Glorify your name in the name of Jesus. Please help your lessons to be planted in our hearts and produce great fruit in Jesus's name, Amen.  Thank you for allowing me to speak today my name is GE Williams.

She was a rescue you know from over the fence. She was 2 months old. She was unwanted, but unspoiled by her molesters.  When I say she was unspoiled I mean she wasn't showing any signs of being affected by the abuse. She was beautiful. She was strong. So it was decided that we would take her. I know. I know what you are thinking. 

What a nice person you are. Awe, so sweet. Rescuing a poor defenseless puppy from being overrun by her doggy oppressors.  Well, thank you, thank you. I appreciate the sentiment but before you go making a hero out of my good deeds there is something you should know.

I didn't want her. I didn't care about her plight. See I had a dog already. One that I trusted. One that I loved. Truth be told, ah, can I tell you the truth? 

Ok. Thanks. I was afraid of her. See her reputation proceeded her. She was a pit bull terrier and I was ok with honoring her reputation more than I was ok with believing in her.

Lesson one: Preconceived notions promote fear and can paralyze one's ability to move forward.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind," (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV).

There but for the Grace of God go I that you may live and He should die.
There but for the Grace of God go I that you may laugh when I cry.
There but for the Grace of God go I. It is why I sing. It is why I dance. It is why...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Name it and Claim it

Do you remember when Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days in the wilderness? Satan said "If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and, On their hands they shall bear thee up, Lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone."Matthew 4:6 ASV 
Then "Jesus said unto him, Again it is written, Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God." Matthew 4:7 ASV

Well I have always wondered what that that meant exactly. So the other day I was thinking about a comment I was presented with from a fellow believer concerning the issue of presenting what you want to God and claiming it in His name. My fellow believer had an objection to that type of teaching and I wasn't really sure what I felt about the subject.

I did know a few things. I knew that I believed in an unlimited God and that I have been led by the Spirit to follow the teaching of certain pastors and not others.  So I did some reserach and I looked up the concept on the internet. I found accusations of false teaching as such. So I dropped the matter. Next I was led to remember another belief I have. It is about acceptance and the existence of paradoxes. I believe that most of the time we are presented with incomplete information. So I have learned to lean on the Holy Spirit to guide me so that I may have a full understanding of the subject matter. So ultimately I think about is for a while and then I let it go. What happens after that is, at some point, understanding enters my brain. It happens immediately sometimes and other times it takes days. However this is the understanding that I was led to about the name it and claim it concept:

When we say things like " I will stick my hands in a pit of snakes so that God can prove that he is God and nothing will hurt me because I have made Jesus the Lord of my life and savior, you are in pride.

If you say I want this house and because God said in John 14: 13-14, Matthew 21:22,1 John 5:14, Philippians 4: 6-7, Psalm 37:4 and a host of other places, that if I ask in Jesus name it will be given to me and so I demand this house, then you are in pride.

So what is the deal? Great question. The discipline is to move from pride, where it is all about you, to faith, where it is all about what will glorify God. In Jeremiah 31:33 KJV God says, "
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people." So for the believer God promises to give us the desires of our heart which he is in charge of and guiding. 

So we desire that house but even though we believe God will give us the desires of our heart, we have to remember that we don't have all the information we need to determine the all the details in the right order and in the right timing. Details like: How will we get it? When will we get it? What is going to be going on at that time with our lives, the market, the neighborhood, etc? What changes will need to be made as a result of present conditions? 

Ultimately, we have to remain flexible and open to God's will. See a desire is a simple matter to fill because there are infinite ways to fulfill it. For example, I had a secret desire to open a school by which I would have the students learn about spiritual, emotional and financial health. The school would be built of these concepts. I never persuaded the idea. I even forgot it for a while. Then I invented a game called The Vocabulary Game. It was invented trying to help a little girl study 100 vocabulary words over the summer. I was led by the Spirit to build the game and to take it to public schools and tutor sessions. The Holy Spirit brought back to my memory the desire I had when I was younger by giving me satisfaction. See I didn't really want to start a school but I did want to help build minds and the game allows me to do that. 

I never set out to be an inventor or a teacher. I never set out to build a school. But the school was the only way I understood how to build minds. But God knows all and because I am committed to being led by Him that example is not unique in my life but more like the norm these days. When we are flexible it doesn't mean that we give up on our desires. Instead it means that we expect Him to bring the desire to pass but are willing to give up the method and timing of how it should come about. He's an unlimited God. He will supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19), but greater than we can imagine (Ephesians 3:20). He still loves us and like any great parent wants the best for us.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

People don't go to Hell for committing Sin

Here is something to consider if you are a Christian or have any dealings with Christians.

People don't go to Hell for Sin. People go to Hell for not believing in Jesus. Did you hear me?


Believe it or not this is awesome news. It really simplifies things. So you're not going to hell for cursing or using drugs. That guy is not going to hell for rape or murder. My friend is not going to hell for cheating on her husband. How is that great news? You ask. Well, if you are the cheater you can still go boldly to the throne of God and ask for help. If you are the person cheated on you can exercise your faith that all things work together for the good of those who love the lord.

Sounds unfair you say...well you are right! Until you consider that the reason you yourself are not on your way to hell for something as simple as overeating or getting upset at someone is for the same reason. JESUS!

God wants a relationship with us at all times. He understands that life is hard and decisions are made that sometimes lead us to places we never wanted to go. That is way he sent Jesus to die for us. Jesus takes away the sin of the world. All the sin...past, present and future. That is the beauty of the Grace of God.

When Jesus was on Earth he brought equal amounts of Grace and Truth to each encounter. The truth is to God a sin is a sin is a sin from murder to overeating. All sin no matter how small separates us from the love of God. Sin eventually makes us believe we are unworthy of His blessings and we stop worshiping and believing because of shame.  The truth is we are right, but we were always unworthy even before the sin. The Grace is we are not judged based on our performance instead we are judged based on Jesus' performance. Just in case, you didn't know Jesus was perfect.

He was not born of Adam, a man with sin in his blood. He was born of the Holy Spirit and as such was never born into the prison of sin. This prison of sin, by which every man is born into, keeps us sinful no matter what good works we do. Jesus was born into the prison of righteousness. This prison is the prison we all enter when we make Jesus the lord and savior over our lives. As such this prison keeps us righteous or in right standing with God, no matter what we do.

So does that mean that we should go out and do whatever we want; lie, kill, and steal. Of course not. Does that mean that there are no consequences for what we do. Of course not. So what does it mean? It means keep moving forward in Christ and keep believing that God is for you. So that God can make all things work together for your good.

That is when Parley Pioneers Inc. comes in. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We are here to help keep you moving forward in Christ.