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Thursday, August 22, 2013
A Mistake or a Sin
Mistakes are easy. They don't require long explanations or reasoning. A simple I am sorry will suffice. For example, if you bump into someone while walking down the street or if you misspell someone's name on an email. Mistakes happen all the time. People even expect us to make mistakes. We even have forgiveness phrases built into our culture like "I'm only human" or " I am not perfect."
But a mistake isn't a sin. A sin is an offense committed that erodes a relationship. A sin is heavy to carry. When a sin is committed a simple apology is never enough. Sin hurts. It is not easy to admit that you have committed a sin. There are major consequences and repercussions.
Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death.." and it is true. Marriages and friendships are dissolved behind sin. People are imprisoned both physically and mentally after committing sin. Suicide becomes a viable options for Sinners. Sin is a burden. It is heavy to content with. Sin kills.
Sinners seek forgiveness. They want to be forgiven by the people they have offended and by themselves. Sinners naturally look for a savior. Someone or something that can make there burdens light. Someone or something they can cast there cares on. Someone that might love them in-spite of their Sin.
It true that some find temporary salvation in drugs, sex and alcohol. Some find it in isolation and avoidance. But the problem is that the escape we get from these solutions don't last. Then we find ourselves searching once again for an answer.
You know the rest of Romans 6:23 says, "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Why? Because God knows that sin kills so he sent Jesus to take the wrath of our Sin on the cross and in exchange give us the gift of life with no condemnation so that the relationship between us and God can be restored.
Huh? You don't feel restored after committing a sin. You don't feel forgiven, you say. Your spouse still left. You were still reprimanded. You still lost your job. Well, unfortunately, the wages of sin is still death, Jesus didn't change that. Death to your marriage, your job, and your freedom if necessary. But it doesn't have to end there Jesus made it possible that your life can be restored. Remember he died on a cross but He rose again and so can you.
Monday, August 5, 2013
I am thankful that I live today
Throughout history it has been hard to be a woman. There was Woman Suffrage, Prohibition and of course Slavery. Women were expected to be a lot of things that I am not today. There wasn't a lot of acceptance for learning disabilities, mental illnesses or woman who couldn't get pregnant. The laws were not there to protect against abuse of any kind. I am quite thankful to live today.
I am thankful that there is a Holy Spirit that I can lean on for guidance and help. I am thankful for the bible that I can learn how to live a Holy life, one that wouldn't condemn my heart. I thankful that I have a choice to believe or not to believe. I have a choice to do or not to do. I am thankful that I can experience God's love even through I never earned it.
I am thankful that people are creative and bold in their beliefs. I am thankful that through the media we can see miracles of human ingenuity and that we can walk outside our doors and experience the sun on a daily bases.
If I had been born in a different era, I would have to believe that my life would still be well. I would have to believe that I would still be thankful for acceptance and I would still be blessed. I believe that God would protect me. However, I am thankful that I live today.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
You are the star of the show when I am with you, but I am not with you because you are the star.
You are the star of the show when you're alone, but there's no such thing as a lonely star.
You are the star of the show when you're grouped, but not the most valuable part.
You are the star of the show when you shine, but you disappear in the dark.
You are the star of the show when you speak, but speaking will allow you to be seen.
You are the star of the show when you care, but not caring will steal your dreams.
Your life is a Constellation made up of individual lights, with each star a contribution to the glow of your life.
. GE Williams